Premier French escort agency in Paris


Is that The Harem?
Yes it is! Our dedicated, helpful and experienced receptionists Noémie et Claudie are happy to welcome you.
Are the photos of the escorts real?
We can assure that the pictures of our high class Paris escorts are recent and genuine.
Can an escort visit me at my place?
Absolutely. Your selected model can come to your hotel or residence you are staying at. Please note: You may find that some of our ladies might not be comfortable with visiting you at your private home and would prefer a hotel.
Can I visit an escort at her place?
We are sorry, but we do not provide incall service.
Can I suggest a dress code a girl should be in?
Yes you may but you should bare in mind the time and also the weather. It is not common sense for an escort to arrive in high-heels and a short skirt very late in the evening as it is unsafe. Please allow her to bring along your requests and let her change when she has arrived. The weather in France is totally unpredictable like our Paris buses and taxis! Please try and understand if an escort arrives in a sexy long black coat and not a short skirt and blouse. 
Are you on the web site as well?
None of our receptionists are featured on the web site or provide any escorting or companionship services.
Can I speak to the escort before I book?
No the escorts do not wish to answer their phones to clients. For that reason they hire the B & M team on a commission bases to take care of their appointments.
Can a friend and myself see a single escort at the same time?
No you cannot see the escort at the same time as this encourages unacceptable behavior. You will need to book 2 of our girls or meet your selected escort at different intervals.
Do I have to give the escort a tip when she is leaving?
This is not required but we are sure they'd would be over the moon if you did.
What does a dinner-date consist of?
A dinner-date consists of 3 Hours of which 2 Hours is social time and 1 hour is private. This option suits refined gentlemen who are relaxed and informal in manner.
Can I see the escort first and pay later?
We regret to say but this is not how our agency operates. You will need to hand over the agreed amount for the escorts time and companionship within the first 10 minutes of meeting up.
Can I meet up with an escort in a classy bar?
Yes you can as long as you are booked into a hotel and pay for her time within 10 minutes of meeting her.
Can I get a discount?
We respect the fact that most ATM machines now only allow you to withdraw a certain amount of funds. If you are paying by cash for your booking please make sure that you have enough funds withdrawn in advance.
Do I have to pay for the escort's taxi?
Its always appreciated but not obligatory unless you are based outside of central Paris. Bookings outside of Paris center, incl. the airport area, implies a taxi fee.
Why do you not have girls for 200€  like some of the other agencies?
Having a 200 euro gallery of girls is very straight forward but you will not be happy with the escort. Displeasing looks and a total language barrier can be very common. Also bait and switch comes into play (advertisements, which may include photos, written or verbal descriptions, do not match the woman who shows up, or she has been grossly misrepresented). One will be entering the much more seedy side of the industry which can lead to trouble, be warned. There are an estimated 8000 - 10000 escort’s in Paris alone and The Harem selects to work along side some of the finest, most beautiful amongst those.
Do the more expensive escorts provide a better standard of service?
Yes they can provide a much higher quality and experience. Also most of the escorts that have higher rates would usually meet a lot less clients than those that have competitive rates on our site. The other way of looking at this matter is the Click Factor. Some of you click with our girls right away where as with others it takes a special kind of girl to get your heart racing, however all of our girls are selected for there eagerness to entertain even the most discerning pleasure seeker.


Premier French escort agency in Paris

The Harem (c)

+33 666 88 4697 (WhatsApp)

10 a.m. - 01 a.m. daily

French and English

[email protected]

112 avenue Kléber, Paris 75016

© 2025 The Harem. All Rights Reserved.